Journey of Giving Back
Passionate about serving and advocating for his clients and being very active in the community, New Jersey Trial Lawyer Todd Leonard wants to continue to his legacy by highlighting the great work of extraordinary people who truly give back to their communities and help others in need. You’ll hear inspiring stories about how leaders and ordinary people do extraordinary things. Whether its overcoming adversity, raising awareness for social issues or money for causes like Make A Wish Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis or other community-based organizations, you’ll be not only uplifted, but hopefully energized and motivated to pay it forward so we can all get on the journey of giving back!

Passionate about serving and advocating for his clients and being very active in the community, New Jersey Trial Lawyer Todd Leonard wants to continue to his legacy by highlighting the great work of extraordinary people who truly give back to their communities and help others in need. You’ll hear inspiring stories about how leaders and ordinary people do extraordinary things. Whether its overcoming adversity, raising awareness for social issues or money for causes like Make A Wish Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis or other community-based organizations, you’ll be not only uplifted, but hopefully energized and motivated to pay it forward so we can all get on the journey of giving back!
The Todd Leonard Show
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Our Latest Episode
This episode features three students from the University of Colorado’s Presidents Leadership Class, interviewing Todd about leadership and life’s lessons. Todd talks about why leading by example is important, his daily values that forged his leadership skills and legal career, as well as how going through adversity helps one learn and grow.
Past Episodes
Lifting Up The Community
July 09, 2023
This episode features John Ellery, restaurateur and owner of Ellery’s Neighborhood Pub and Grill. John is very active locally, supports many worthy causes in his community, and was selected the Emerald Society’s 2019 Irishman of the Year.
Helping Veterans Through Fitness
July 2, 2023
This episode features Thomas Tice, Founder of Warrior Strong Inc., an organization that helps veterans, veteran family members, and first responders find community and camaraderie through health & wellness so they can overcome the sense of detachment, disconnection, and isolation they often experience in civilian life.
Bringing Hope to the Homeless
June 25, 2023
This episode features USA TODAY’s Woman of the Year for New Jersey, Darlene Trappier, Executive Director – Beacon of Hope Inc. Darlene, who was once homeless, is the founder of Beacon of Hope, a nonprofit organization that provides hundreds of thousands of pounds of food every year to needy people in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. In 2022, she also was one of 25 people from across the nation chosen to attend the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health. “I know what hunger feels like.”
A Father's Love
June 18, 2023
This episode features William “Billy” Laufer, Esq., and his daughter, Alexis Laufer, Esq., as well as his son, Matthew Berger. Billy and Matthew found each other after many years. They discussed their remarkable story, and how their lives have changed in so many wonderful ways! This is a very powerful and emotional Father’s Day story that you don’t want to miss!
Caring, Sharing and Giving
June 4, 2023
This episode features Rabbi Shalom Lubin & Rivka Lubin of Chabad of Southeast Morris County. We will be discussing the Rabbi’s life, their vitally important programs, fighting hatred, as well as Rivka’s trips to Ukraine!
Finding Your Passion
May 28, 2023
This episode features legendary trial lawyer, Ed Capozzi, Esq., and author of “The Domino Theory 1 & 2.” We will be discussing finding your passion, work-life balance and his interesting journey from being a musician to the courtroom!
Keeping Kids Off Drugs
May 21, 2023
This episode discusses the national problem of drug addiction, and keeping kids off of drugs, featuring Leslie Wexler, President and Co-Founder of Rockaway Twp.’s substance abuse alliance called “Positive Choices a Brighter Future.” Celebrating 25 years of educating the kids, parents, and the community of the dangers of using drugs, alcohol and tobacco, this grassroots prevention program has helped over 15,000 kids!
A Mother's Love
May 14, 2023
This episode features accomplished author West Moss, noted for her memoir Flesh and Blood, and short story collection The Subway Stops at Bryant Park and other literary works. She was joined by her husband, Special Olympics Basketball Coach Craig Lombardi. They discussed the importance of their mothers’ love on their lives.
Giving the Gift of Sight!
May 7, 2023
This episode features Dr. Cary Silverman, an innovator in LASIK surgery. In 2011, he founded Vision Harvest, a non-profit organization whose goal is to “provide uninsured or economically disadvantaged patients with free cataract surgeries providing the gift of sight.
Making Wishes Come True!
April 30, 2023
This episode features Michael Dominick, Assistant Vice President of Make-A-Wish, NJ. We will be discussing making wishes come true for kids with life threatening illnesses with this amazing charity organization.
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